if heaven is a place
I have walked through its hallways
I have laid in its grasses, and brushed Its fingers through my hair.
if heaven is a place
birds that fall
dead on my doorstep
frighten my mother
arrive swiftly into its canopy.
cobblers walk barefoot to feed calves,
and no one is alone.
if heaven is a place
forgive that I do not think of it
I do not speak of it
I am bound by the secrets of a waking life
I pray behind closed doors.
if heaven is a place
may it lay itself upon you
so seamlessly
that you are spared the salt of weariness in not knowing where you are
may it become you
effortless as smokes own absorbency.
if heaven is a place
there are fields to walk in
waters to bathe in
arms to fall into
there are medicines to gather
there is enough to eat.
if heaven is a place
light reflects off objects in displays of musical affection
I cannot see it but I know its there I cannot read it but I hear her voice.
if heaven is a place
breathing is easy
my body relaxes, you do not need to fight it
fathers cry, over lost dogs
and I am going to find it.